What is SBDC?
SRSU International SBDC offers workshops, conferences, and courses geared to the needs of small businesses. Training programs range from advanced seminars aimed at experienced small business owners to introductory courses for those planning to start a business.
The SBDC also, develops and conducts specialized programs to meet specific needs. Working with business professionals and other small business assistance organizations, the SBDC provides managers, owners, and potential owners with the tools to analyze and resolve business problems.
The SBDC training is specifically designed to provide new and established entrepreneurs with business guidance, tools on how to enhance their business skills, and loan packaging assistance. Training workshops range from marketing strategies, skills for new supervisors and basic computer training like Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and QuickBooks.
Together We Grow
Our Mission, Vision and Core Values
“Building the Texas Economy, One Business at a Time”
The mission of the SRSU Small Business Development Center is to foster small business success in the Big Bend Region.
We are a leading economic development network recognized for excellence in service to the small business community.
Our Core Values
Building our reputation by being accountable, credible, ethical and respectful.
Exceeding stakeholder expectations by achieving results, demonstrating leadership, and leveraging our resources and expertise.
Delivering results and fostering diversity by being responsive, adding value, providing solutions and collaborating.
Fostering a culture of creativity by embracing change, lifelong learning and risk-taking.